Meet the keeper

Hi, I'm Amanda! I'm the Owner/Keeper of the Bees here at HoneyLux Honey.
I often get asked what got me into keeping bees and the answer really is pretty simple--they just absolutely fascinate me! The more I learn about them the more I want to know. I guess I'm just that kind of nerd and I'm 100% alright with it.
I began keeping bees in 2018 and I soon fell in love with all things bees. I didn't have the intention of starting a business when I got into beekeeping, but I quickly discovered that happy and healthy bees tend to make LOTS of extra honey--and what else is there to do but share the liquid gold goodness with the world? 
When I'm not hanging out with the bees I can be found enjoying life with my husband, traveling, gardening, admiring my indoor plant collection, relaxing at the lake, or snuggling our dogs (or any dog for that matter).